Friday, July 31, 2009

Growing like a weed

I took a look at Fantasia today and noticed just how long her legs are. She can no longer just walk under Brianne.

It has been a crazy hot week. We had record high temps - a couple days hit or surpassed 100, so the little wading pool has been out almost every evening. Fantasia and Brianne have had so much fun splashing around after work.

On Tuesday, Fantasia joined some humans in an above ground pool and got to swim for the first time this week. She was a star! It only took her a minute to figure out how to paddle and keep herself afloat. It was alot different than the wading pool, but I think Fantasia had a good time and she slept really well that evening.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! That heat was oppressing and a good swim could have done all a lot of good, human and canine alike! Glad Fantasia's doing good!
